Enabling technology transfer from National labs - lessons learnt

Speaker: Dr. Farah Fahim

Date: 02 Dec
Time: 17:45 – 18:45
To maximize the technology transfer potential, it is important to create an ecosystem for the scientists/engineers/inventors to adapt the technologies developed for basic science to successful commercial ventures. In the Snowmass process we reviewed technology transfer programs at high energy physics (HEP) laboratories across the world. I will present the opportunities that we identified and the recommendations for increasing partnerships and commercialization at HEP-centric laboratories.


Farah Fahim is a principal engineer specializing in mixed signal application specific integrated circuit design at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. She is currently the Deputy Head of Quantum Science at the Fermi Quantum Institute, Head of ASICs Research and Development department and an Adjunct Professor at Northwestern University Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. For over 15 years Farah has been developing low noise, high-speed readout and control electronics for detectors which operate in harsh environments such as high ionizing radiation for a wide range of applications. Her current research pursuits include on-chip artificial intelligence for data processing at source and designing ultra-low power, compact readout electronics for modular scalable cryogenic quantum control systems. Before joining Fermilab, Farah worked at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. Farah has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Northwestern University, MBA from Open University, UK, M.Tech and B.Tech from University of Limerick, Ireland. She received the best presenter award at IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium in 2016. She is a recipient of the DOE Early career research award.

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